Going beyond certifications.
Their journey to source our cotton in the most responsible way possible, to provide our customers with consistently high-quality organic cotton.
This is why they have taken additional steps to reinforce traceability across our entire value chain. By limiting the number of suppliers, building relationships with farmers and ginners, and being one of the only companies to carry out our own random testing, they strive to live up to the commitments they make to customers.

Continental® has been a favourite printable t-shirt brand for musicians, artists, graphic designers and screen printers since 1998.
In 2007, EarthPositive® Apparel reduced the carbon footprint of its cotton clothing by over 89% while also managing to produce all the clothing in an ethical and sustainable manner.
100% of the EarthPositive® production undergoes annual audits to comply with the FWF Code of Labour Practices in accordance with the International Labour Organisation’s conventions.

As colour ranked third highest in the Ethical Fashion Report 2022 among 581 other brands that were assessed. They have been included in this report for the past 5 years, continually improving our work in the 5 key ethical and sustainable performance areas:
Policies & Governance
Tracing & Risk
Supplier Relationships & Human Rights
Worker Empowerment
Environment Sustainability
As colour find it most important to find and work with factory owners and management who share their values, operate a culture of dignity and respect, are in for the long term, and who like them we are willing to embrace change and continuous improvement.
​As colour hand-pick factories with safe, fair, legal and humane working conditions.